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Older woman eating rgb

To help vulnerable customers, we need smart meters that work

In the midst of an ongoing cost-of-living crisis and growing concerns around the UK's energy security, one of the smart meter rollout’s most important benefits will be the support it can bring to vulnerable customers.


100 day plan for the UK energy sector

A new government and a new parliament presents a fresh opportunity for the energy sector. It is clear after the turbulence of recent years, that policymakers and companies like E.ON must come together to find a better way forward.

Christoph waltz

E.ON Next and TEAMBBDO launch new campaign with Christoph Waltz

Oscar-winning actor joins E.ON Next in a fresh campaign to increase awareness of its commitment to leading the energy transition.

Older man with child

How to make sure smart meters truly deliver for consumers

Ensuring that every home has a smart meter will bring benefits for customers, suppliers, and the environment. But it is important to understand exactly how these devices benefit consumers, and why they must be fully operational to do so.

Notts Forest

E.ON Next continues partnership with Nottingham Forest

Nottingham Forest has announced a continuation of its relationship with E.ON with the launch of the Club’s training wear for the 2024/25 season.


Reforming the retail energy market will help deliver the clean power mission

Alongside maintaining a market-wide ban on 'brand new customers only' tariffs, the energy industry needs to go further by pushing for a forward-looking package of reforms that will help deliver the new government’s clean power mission.   

Blackburn Meadows at night

E.ON unveils plans to invest in expanded Don Valley heat network

E.ON has announced plans for a multi-million-pound investment that would more than double the size of its district heating network in Sheffield.


Making the UK a clean energy superpower

Chris Norbury, CEO of E.ON UK, shares his thoughts on the new Government's plans for energy.


Who really benefits from acquisition only tariffs?

As Ofgem considers removing the current ban on acquisition only tariffs (BAT), an E.ON survey conducted by YouGov has found that 93% of customers say suppliers should not be allowed to offer their best deals to newcomers only.


Showcasing the skills of the female E.ON Next Veloce Racing team

For the women at E.ON Next Veloce Racing, there comes an extra responsibility, as they use the platform to engage and inspire young girls around the world, showing them that a bright future in motorsport is possible for them too.

Ofgem letter

E.ON and consumer groups urge Ofgem not to lift ban on ‘new customers only’ tariffs

E.ON has signed an open letter to the energy regulator Ofgem, joining Citizens Advice, Which?, Fair by Design and the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, along with a number of other energy suppliers, calling for Ofgem to rethink its proposal to lift the ban on suppliers selectively offering their cheapest deals to new customers only.


Molly Taylor returns to FIA RX2e Championship with continued support from E.ON

As a trailblazer for women in motorsport, E.ON Next Veloce Racing driver Molly Taylor will compete in two rounds of the FIA RX2e Championship.