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Houses with Solar Panels

Energy on Subscription can help everyone play a part in the net zero transition

New model could give households across the UK access to green technologies and lower bills at no upfront cost.

EV charging nissan

“At home and on the road, my journey towards a sustainable future”

Paul Stares, E.ON colleague and EV pioneer, talks about his journey in adopting and adapting to cleaner motoring, not only driving electric but generating his own power and supporting the grid

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E.ON Next’s top tips for saving energy this winter

E.ON next shares 3 top tips and 7 lucky lifestyle changes for saving energy this winter.

Woman opening curtains

E.ON Next’s top 12 energy-saving tips for a greener winter

From embracing smart thermostats to layering up, E.ON Next shares 12 top energy-saving tips for a greener winter.

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YouGov polling commissioned by E.ON supports putting battery storage in vulnerable customers’ homes

A majority of people agree that we should be doing more to upgrade people's homes against fuel poverty.

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A permanent ban on acquisition only tariffs means a fairer future

As Ofgem considers the future of the Ban on Acquisition Only Tariffs, we look forward to working with them to make the retail market work better for customers.

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Watt's new? Exploring the potential of bi-directional EV charging

Innovative bi-directional charging technology lets you do more than just fill up your vehicle's battery; it allows your electric vehicle to send energy back to the grid when it's needed most – and you can get paid for doing so!

E.ON Next logo

PRICE ALERT: Customers could save money and freeze prices by switching to 'E.ON Next Fixed 18 Months' tariff

Energy customers could save £97 compared to the Ofgem price cap level and freeze their prices for two winters by switching to ‘E.ON Next Fixed 18 months’ tariff

E.ON Next holding hands

E.ON Next announces £92 million support package to help its most vulnerable customers

A new Winter Support Scheme will provide up to £60 million to help financially vulnerable customers this winter, with eligible customers being contacted directly by E.ON Next. In addition, the 2024/25 Warm Home Discount scheme is now providing eligible E.ON Next customers with £150 per household towards their energy bills this winter

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EV for PV: delivering solar in a fully sustainable way

We're running an EV relay to transport solar panels to our customers - cutting carbon even before we make our way up on the roof!

Older man and child

Warm Home Discount scheme now open, providing eligible E.ON Next customers with £150 towards their winter energy bills

Eligible E.ON Next customers will get £150 towards their winter energy bills as part of the 2024/24 Warm Home Discount scheme.