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A permanent ban on acquisition only tariffs means a fairer future

As Ofgem considers the future of the Ban on Acquisition Only Tariffs, we look forward to working with them to make the retail market work better for customers.

Car charging stock image

Watt's new? Exploring the potential of bi-directional EV charging

Innovative bi-directional charging technology lets you do more than just fill up your vehicle's battery; it allows your electric vehicle to send energy back to the grid when it's needed most – and you can get paid for doing so!

E.ON Next logo

PRICE ALERT: Customers could save money and freeze prices by switching to 'E.ON Next Fixed 18 Months' tariff

Energy customers could save £97 compared to the Ofgem price cap level and freeze their prices for two winters by switching to ‘E.ON Next Fixed 18 months’ tariff

E.ON Next holding hands

E.ON Next announces £92 million support package to help its most vulnerable customers

A new Winter Support Scheme will provide up to £60 million to help financially vulnerable customers this winter, with eligible customers being contacted directly by E.ON Next. In addition, the 2024/25 Warm Home Discount scheme is now providing eligible E.ON Next customers with £150 per household towards their energy bills this winter

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EV for PV: delivering solar in a fully sustainable way

We're running an EV relay to transport solar panels to our customers - cutting carbon even before we make our way up on the roof!

Older man and child

Warm Home Discount scheme now open, providing eligible E.ON Next customers with £150 towards their winter energy bills

Eligible E.ON Next customers will get £150 towards their winter energy bills as part of the 2024/24 Warm Home Discount scheme.

EV charger electric vehicle install residential

E.ON Next charging up EV drivers across the nation by charging less

Latest E.ON Next Drive tariff offers the best value charging rate and longest off peak charging window of any major supplier.

October 2024

Making new energy work for everyone

E.ON UK Chief Executive Chris Norbury outlines the potential of changing energy from being a significant cause of poverty to something not only affordable but which can become a lever to help lift people out of poverty.

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Giving consumers a stake with user-owned renewables from Ripple

As a partner supplier, we help Ripple make it possible for people across the UK to own and benefit from renewable generation.

UK town housing (Portland) - from UnSplash

Right place, right people, right time: Using data to help tackle fuel poverty

Our new energy efficiency technology platform calls on 30 million lines of data to inform and support local authorities as they tackle fuel poverty

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Changes to standing charges should leave no one behind

We support a review of standing charges to make the system fairer for all households, and would like to see it as part of a holistic approach to protecting vulnerable energy customers.

Smart Meters

Ofgem puts E.ON Next among the best suppliers for keeping smart meters working, and we think flexibility is the key

Ofgem has announced smart meter performance data showing that E.ON Next leads most other large suppliers by keeping meters in smart mode 93.7% of the time. We think a flexible approach is the key to our success.