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simon minty

Talking Disability Pride with Simon Minty

Simon shared his own experience with us of disability along with some interesting and insightful perspectives for both disabled and non-disabled colleagues.

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Opening doors with apprenticeships

As a leading UK employer, we’re proud to lead the way in supporting younger generations to build meaningful careers where they’re working to create a more sustainable future.


A Northern Powerhouse: how large-scale investments could help Sheffield go green

Big things are happening in the Steel City. With major investments - such as expanding our low carbon heat network - Sheffield has the potential to transform into an urban sustainability leader. 

Silvertown aerial

Sharing: the energy concept at the heart of London’s dock development

Silvertown will be home to the UK's first development using E.ON's pioneering ectogrid™ system - connecting all the buildings together to make the most efficient use of energy across the community.


Supporting colleagues through their fertility journeys

At E.ON, we’re committed to supporting and empowering our colleagues across all stages of their working and personal lives. 

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Smart meters can make homes more efficient, but only if they work

Smart meters are the foundation of the new energy world - and our dedicated teams are one reason why we're among the best in the industry for making sure every meter we install is functioning properly and effectively


Investing in innovation: E.ON grows partnership in British solar and heat scale-up Naked Energy

E.ON are partnering with British technology scale-up company Naked Energy to invest in the development of new sustainable technology.

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To help vulnerable customers, we need smart meters that work

In the midst of an ongoing cost-of-living crisis and growing concerns around the UK's energy security, one of the smart meter rollout’s most important benefits will be the support it can bring to vulnerable customers.


100 day plan for the UK energy sector

A new government and a new parliament presents a fresh opportunity for the energy sector. It is clear after the turbulence of recent years, that policymakers and companies like E.ON must come together to find a better way forward.

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How to make sure smart meters truly deliver for consumers

Ensuring that every home has a smart meter will bring benefits for customers, suppliers, and the environment. But it is important to understand exactly how these devices benefit consumers, and why they must be fully operational to do so.


Making the UK a clean energy superpower

Chris Norbury, CEO of E.ON UK, shares his thoughts on the new Government's plans for energy.


Who really benefits from acquisition only tariffs?

As Ofgem considers removing the current ban on acquisition only tariffs (BAT), an E.ON survey conducted by YouGov has found that 93% of customers say suppliers should not be allowed to offer their best deals to newcomers only.