The value of work experience
Work experience is a crucial first step for many young people on their career journey. Where we can, we’re proud to support our colleagues’ friends and family by offering tailored work experience opportunities throughout our business.
This National Careers Week, we’re highlighting the positive impact work experience can have on young people and who better to talk to those with first-hand experience.
Sarah Fisher, Commercial and Order Specialist within our Digital Technology team and one of our Enterprise Advisors, recently contacted our Early Careers Team to arrange work experience for her son Jonas, as part of his Engineering Level 3 course at Nottingham College.
We recently caught up with Jonas and Sarah to learn more about work experience and their advice for others considering it.
Jonas Fisher
Can you please tell us about your work experience at E.ON?
As part of my Engineering Level 3 course at Nottingham College, I was required to complete 30 hours of engineering related work experience, so I worked in E.ON’s Engineering Governance team. I got to experience lots of different elements that make up a role in engineering including using Excel and other office applications, as well as spending time with different engineers and seeing their work in real time.
I spent a day with electric vehicle (EV) engineers, who were installing electric vehicle charging points at a train station, and I also spent a day with the Operating Engineers in the Operating Room at Blackburn Meadows, E.ON’s biomass power plant. Here, I sat with the Operating Engineers and watched them rectify a problem when there was a blockage with the biomass fuel on a conveyor, they had to shut down the conveyor to clear the blockage.
I learnt about problem solving, working in a stressful situation and it gave me an insight as to what engineers do on a day-to-day basis.
How has it helped you when considering what you want to do next?
My work experience has given me real life experiences both in the office and on site. It has given me a real insight into how things work at E.ON and I have now applied for an apprenticeship to work there.
What advice would you give to someone considering work experience?
Do it! You have nothing to lose, and you could find out that it’s the job for you.
Sarah Fisher
Why do you think work experience is important?
Work experience is an invaluable experience for young people. Many school leavers have never had any experience within a workplace and even half a day talking to an employee could light a spark and start them on a career journey.
I believe any type of workplace experience will be a benefit to young people, it can help them with their development of both practical and soft skills. On the practical side you are bringing classroom theory to life, students can see what a workplace is really like, something that very few will have had experience of. With regards to the softer skills, students learn how to communicate better and work within a team.
Can you tell me a bit more about your role as an Enterprise Advisor?
As an Enterprise Advisor I volunteer to help at a specific school. I work with the school’s leadership team to develop employer engagement plans to support the school with their career advice and career planning. In real terms this means that I go in to the school and help with careers fairs, mock interviews and general careers activities. I’ve also taught lessons on communication and spoke about careers within E.ON in assemblies. I also go into a number of other schools give talks on E.ON’s apprenticeship schemes.
The schools I have attended really appreciate the time that I spend there. I’ve received some really positive feedback, including the below after taking part in a day of mock interviews:
Thank you so much for coming along to the Year 10 Interview Day last week. This was a valuable and meaningful encounter for our Year 10 students to have an 1-1 interview with you. Thank you for the positivity and kindness that you showed to all the students, this really put them at ease and hopefully helped them to open up to you and tell you about all they have to offer. The students had a great day and really enjoyed meeting you and this has developed their confidence.
What advice would you give to other organisations looking to support young people with their careers?
Don’t think of work experience of being the old fashioned 2 weeks work experience where a student is sat at the end of a desk looking bored! With a little thought you can create an employer insight day. This could be in the form of a workplace tour, a chat with some apprentices and a short task relating to the workplace. Most young people have never been in to an office and don’t know that most offices no longer have rows of corridors – they have changed so much, and we need to showcase this.
To find out more about careers at E.ON, visit our careers website.