Promoting inclusivity with our embRace Network
Our embRace network supports and encourages conversations about race, so that we can all work together to create an inclusive and equal workplace
At E.ON, we are proud to have a wide range of vibrant and inclusive colleague networks, helping promote awareness, education and celebration across our colleague community.
More than one in four colleagues are actively involved in our colleague-led inclusivity networks, and our embRace network supports and encourages conversations about race, so that we can all work together to create an inclusive and equal workplace.
We have a zero-tolerance approach to racism or abuse of any kind and the embRace network is a place to learn, educate, collaborate and make a difference.
To celebrate this, we spoke to Campaign Manager, Nicola Dormer, about embRace and her involvement in the network.
If you were to describe your network in a few words, what would they be?
Inspirational, forward-thinking, inclusive, transformational and change-makers.
What makes the network so special is that it is led by volunteers from across the business who all have an underlying passion for change. We are all participating in our spare time, and we recognise that we want to help future generations experience less racial challenges in the workplace.
Personally, I think there is something really important about having role models in the business. We find that a lot of people aspire to strive in their career, but don’t necessarily see people who represent them. We are massive advocates that self-belief allows people to move themselves forward.
How do you foster an inclusive and supportive environment within the embRace network?
embRace is open for everyone to be a member, regardless of race, and we encourage everyone to get involved. Our steer committee is made up of 25 employees across all grades at E.ON (for example, directors, front line staff, call centre representatives etc). We are constantly encouraging people to get involved and share their stories – and it is working! The number of members has grown over 15% in a year which we are really pleased with.
Can you describe a time when you contributed to a project within E.ON that focused on promoting diversity and inclusion, particularly regarding race?
We launched a career development programme called ‘emBrace your talent’ aimed at ethnically diverse colleagues to support the barriers and obstacles that they may face. The seven month programme nurtures skills, builds confidence and encourages employees to put themselves forward. We worked closely with the Diversity & Inclusion and Learning & Development teams to make this happen, which is also a great example of working with other areas of the business.
Those who participated have reported promotions, stretch opportunities, commented on improved confidence and self-awareness and have become mentors across the business. Being involved in the programme, I could really see how the support provided a sense of ‘I deserve’.
How do you encourage participation in the embRace network, ensuring it remains a safe space for sharing experiences, perspectives, and concerns related to racial diversity?
We launched an initiative in 2023 which created ‘safe spaces’ for people to speak freely. This included an ambassador network that consisted of volunteers who act as a safe and impartial place for people who feel as though they are being discriminated against. Instead of feeling as though your only option is to head straight to employee relations or logging a complaint, we understand that sometimes people just want someone to talk to.
What support does E.ON provide as a company to those who benefit from your network?
Our executive sponsor is Chris Norbury, which means we have direct access to the Chief Executive Officer. This is such a wonderful opportunity for those who have never been in the space to talk to upper management, and it also enables the senior leadership team to hear first-hand the experiences people go through.
embRace also runs events that have been funded by E.ON, which means that we are able to showcase a wide range of cultures by sharing traditions, stories, food and music etc. We love celebrating and getting everyone together!
What does the future look like for the embRace Network and what goals are you looking forward to achieving?
A big priority of ours is to reduce the ethnicity pay gap. We want to play a key role in making employees understand what it is and educate the business to make a change. We also want to grow the awareness around speaking up and not suffering in silence.
And finally, we’re really keen to grow the number of members we have in embRace, which will ultimately lead to more events that celebrate everyone across the business.
What does the future look like for the embRace Network and what goals are you looking forward to achieving?
A big priority of ours is to reduce the ethnicity pay gap. We want to play a key role in making employees understand what it is and educate the business to make a change. We also want to grow the awareness around speaking up and not suffering in silence.
And finally, we’re really keen to grow the number of members we have in embRace, which will ultimately lead to more events that celebrate everyone across the business.