Why 42% of young workers would quit if their companies don't go green – and how we’re leading sustainable change
Sustainability isn't just a buzzword — it's a call to action. Young talent is demanding greener workplaces, and many say they are prepared to move jobs if their employer doesn’t become greener.
The energy transition is an opportunity to make energy more affordable and sustainable – a critical element of helping make the country become more prosperous which can’t be fully achieved without an ambition to deliver huge societal benefit too.
Our major national research – seeking the opinions of 10,000 people around the country1 - reveals that only 10% of UK adults feel proud of their workplace's efforts to go green. That's a stark figure, especially given that 76% agree that businesses need to become greener for the sake of future generations.
It’s clear to see that businesses must do more - and do it faster - to make their workplaces greener and more appealing for their workforces.
What our workforces want
Our research shows a huge demand for businesses and local authorities to drive the green agenda further. More than three-quarters (77%) of people want to see their companies take actions to improve their environmental credentials. However, only about one in ten (12%) feel they have access to the tools and training needed to work more sustainably.
There's a strong desire among employees to see their companies make positive environmental changes. More than half (55%) are passionate about this, with a notable 61% of 25-34-year-olds feeling this way.
The upskilling gap
Only 22% of UK adults feel they have access to tools and training to upskill for a greener workplace, with a whopping 46% of 18-24-year-olds wanting to gain green skills - showing a clear need for businesses to provide more training and development opportunities in sustainability..
E.ON: driving our green workforce
At E.ON, we’re leading the charge when it comes to training the next generation of Britain’s green collar workforce. Kingswinford, in the heart of England, is home to our net zero training academy – it’s here where we’re training engineers from across the country in greener energy solutions; everything from electric vehicle (EV) chargers, solar panels and battery storage and air source heat pumps.
Our innovative 15-year partnership with Coventry City Council also serves as an example of how we’re helping create a greener, more prosperous city – improving Coventry's homes, businesses and its communities for a more sustainable, cleaner and greener future.
The message is clear: the public wants businesses to take the lead in delivering the energy transition. The demand for sustainable practices is not just a passing trend— it's a shift in how employees, and the next generation - view the role of businesses.
1. All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from a YouGov Plc poll of 10,063 adults from across the UK. Fieldwork was undertaken between 3rd January and 15th January 2024. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all UK adults (aged 18+)