
Eligible E.ON Next customers urged to come forward to get support with their winter energy bills, including debt write-off

E.ON Next is contacting customers eligible for support through its Winter Support Scheme. 

  • E.ON Next is contacting eligible customers now
  • Customers who have been contacted should speak to E.ON Next to discuss the specific support available to them this winter
  • The new Winter Support Scheme has been set up to provide up to £60 million to help financially vulnerable customers

E.ON Next is contacting customers eligible for support through its new Winter Support Scheme – and is urging anyone who has been contacted to get in touch and take-up the offer of direct financial support.

More than 60,000 financially vulnerable E.ON Next customers have been identified as eligible for support through the Winter Support Scheme.

Customers who qualify are being contacted directly and the support on offer includes:

  • a credit on customers’ accounts to help with heating costs this winter, and
  • writing off debt for some customers who are struggling to afford their energy bills.

Initially customers may get £250 towards their winter energy bills. Additional support will be discussed and tailored to each individual customer’s circumstances, including the possibility of debt-write off for some customers.

E.ON Next has committed up to £60 million through its Winter Support Scheme, as part of £92 million of support to help its most vulnerable customers.

The targeted scheme aims to help customers manage their energy bills this winter and beyond by giving them a financial clean slate and agreeing future payment plans. And by installing smart meters, customers will also be able to gain better clarity and control over their energy needs.

Other support available from E.ON Next

Alongside the £92 million of support allocated through schemes such as the targeted Winter Support Scheme, E.ON Next has a range of additional support available to help its vulnerable customers.

Other support available for customers who need help with their energy bills includes:

  • The E.ON Next Energy Fund which provides direct financial support, replacement of inefficient white goods and debt write-off for eligible customers struggling to pay their bills.
  • Free insulation for eligible people as part of the Great British Insulation Scheme and other projects including the Energy Company Obligation and the Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery scheme.
  • Competitive tariffs such as one- and two-year fixed tariffs and the E.ON Next Pledge tariff which tracks the price cap and remains £50 below the cap at average annual consumption.
  • The Priority Services Register where E.ON Next can help vulnerable customers who may need extra help managing their energy account.
  • Charity partnerships where E.ON Next funds support via specialist charities that provide additional advice for customers experiencing hardship. 

To find out more about E.ON Next’s Winter Support Scheme, visit eonnext.com/blog/winter-support-scheme

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